Hexarelin – Everything you need to know.
Hexarelin is a synthetic peptide that belongs to a class of compounds known as Growth Hormone Secretagogues (GHSs). It is…
Hexarelin the dark horse
Hexarelin is another hexapeptide like GHRP-6. Unlink the other GHRP’s out there, Hexarelin is the dark horse, the black sheep,…
Hexarelin and Cardiac Functionalities
Hexarelin and Cardiac Functionalities However, Ghrelin is unstable. Therefore its half-life, potency and the effectiveness is slightly hampered. Growth hormone…
Protein peptides profile
Protein peptides profile peptides are short polymers of amino acids linked by peptide bonds. They have the same peptide bonds…
What should i use GHRP or GHRH ?
Q. What should i use GHRP or GHRH ? A. To be short we need to use a GHRP &…
Hexarelin ability to increase secretion of natural Growth Hormone
Hexarelin ability to increase secretion of natural Growth Hormone, most of its effects are similar to those of synthetic GH,…
The main two types of Peptides
The main two types of Peptides: GHRP – This group’s main types are GHRP-2, GHRP-6, Ipamorelin, Hexarelin (there are others but…
GHRP Combinations
The most effective and the safest way to create and utilise peptides for GH release is to combine a…
Very basic guide to ghrp / ghrh peptides
The newish supplement to be used by Bodybuilders are Peptides that naturally pulse GH from the body, the problem is…